College & Career Planning

How to Best Plan in a Time of Uncertainty

So, you may be thinking, “how am I supposed to be planning my next steps when there is so much uncertainty right now?” If so, you may feel like planning in a time of uncertainty is a little odd. But the truth is that when you create a plan, you are focusing on goals and a potential outcome. Creating a solid career plan can provide you with a roadmap to your future. Don’t worry, this career plan won’t be drawn out in a Sharpie marker, it isn’t permanent, and it is very likely it will change. A plan helps you to take steps in the right direction and you can always recalculate your plan if something changes.

If you are a high school or college student right now, you have many questions going through your mind of what these next few months will look like for you. “When will I be able to take the SAT/ACT? How does this change my college plans? How will I be able to get a job after graduation?”  Therefore, you may have doubts filling your head. You may have a lot of emotions as you grieve what you may be losing. All these thoughts and questions are completely normal as our whole world seeks unchartered territory. Though we may have more questions than answers, there are a few helpful tips that I want to share with you.

Focus on what you can control.

Shifting your focus to what you can in times of uncertainty is a powerful tool. You may be grieving all that you have lost, but you haven’t lost all control. Take a moment to think about the following questions and jot down some answers.

  • What am I gifted at? (What unique skills do I possess? Where is an area that I have talent in?)
  • What brings me passion?
  • What do I like to study? What areas interest me?
  • What goals do I have for my future?
  • Where do I see myself in 2 years? 5 years? 10 years?
  • What do I have control over right now?
  • What changes can I make in my life?

Rely on resources that you have access to.

You may feel like you have limited resources right now because your school is closed. This means that you have limited access to your school counselor or college and career planning office. But you aren’t alone! Here are some great resources to use during this time:

Invest in yourself.

You may have some extra time on your hands. If so, this is a great time to invest in yourself. Here are some practical ways to invest in your future:

  • Learn a new hobby or strengthen a skill set (take an online course or teach yourself)
  • Daydream about how you would like to build your life
  • Set goals for your future
  • Ask yourself, “What is one thing that I can do today to help me get closer to my goal?”
  • Read a book on a topic of interest
  • Find an individual in your “dream” career and reach out to ask them questions
  • Reach out for guidance

Don’t feel alone during this time!

I would love to meet with you to discuss how to create your personalized career plan. Currently, I am offering a discount on my College & Career Planning package that includes personality, interest and aptitude assessments, a 45+ page personalized report, career exploration activities, and 3.5 hours in feedback sessions with a Career Counselor to help you achieve your goals.

Written by Heidi Sawyer

Roswell Location, ext 116

Heidi works with adolescents, ages 14 and up, and individuals. She assists with college and career exploration and planning, anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, spiritual issues, grief, life transitions, goal setting, and self-confidence challenges.

MAILING ADDRESS FOR ALL LOCATIONS is 102 Macy Drive, Roswell, GA 30076