Process Groups- Are They Right For You?

At RCA, we are gearing up to launch process groups, and we would love for you to consider joining. We live in a time where we can find the answer to our current dilemma or stressor just by reaching for our phone. There is an endless supply of knowledge at our fingertips at any given moment. Yet, knowing the right information is only one part of the change process. We often are well aware of the areas in our lives that remain stuck in spite of knowing the right information.

In the Bible, the idea of knowing has a much more robust meaning than the English word typically encompasses. Knowing in our world is often an intellectual knowing, but to know in the biblical sense is to understand deeply, to experience fully, and to, as a result, live differently.  Process groups provide an environment for each member to move from intellectual knowledge to a knowledge that seeps into our hearts, therefore transforming who we are and how we live our lives.

How can it help?

Practically, process groups can provide a testing ground to tackle any area in life that you want to see shifts. After years of facilitating groups, the scenarios explored have immense variety in their presenting concerns. Perhaps you can see yourself in these examples and begin to envision how participating might impact your life.

A pastor carrying the weight of leadership alone, bordering on burnout.

A mom discouraged by the demands of motherhood and her lack of patience with her children.

A single woman walking through the grief of a life that has not turned out how she imagined.

A husband struggling to navigate the expectations of his work and family.

A professional frustrated with the nagging sense she is not operating at her full capacity.

A father lost on how to help his son struggling with addiction.

The details unique to each member can vary widely, and yet, there is a commonality in the underlying experience and the shifts needed to find traction in the areas we desire. As human beings, we are designed to flourish in the context of relationships. Through growth-producing relationships, we receive various forms of grace and truth needed to step fully into maturity. Finding the right types of relationship can be challenging in everyday life. Process group steps in and provides a controlled environment to begin taking risks to learn how to ask for and receive the various forms of grace and truth needed to navigate the demands of life.

What are the results?

As previously mentioned, the situations that can be addressed by process group are endless. The results achieved in these various areas begin to expand our knowledge from intellectual knowledge to knowledge that seeps into our soul and transforms our lives. Our minds are overloaded with advice on how to parent better, be more productive, have a more fulfilling sex life, or a never-ending supply of information that accuses us with our inability to do what we know would be beneficial. Process group provides an opportunity to take our intellectual knowledge and shift it into knowledge. This knowledge deepens our experience, expands our capacity, and increases our ability to execute. It is through these categories that we begin to see tangible shifts in the person we are becoming and the life we want to create.

Deepened experience

The weight of life can have a tendency to steal our vitality. It can pressure us into numbing and deadening our capacity to experience life. Certainly, there are benefits to this shallow experience of life. We have learned how to lessen the sharp sting that accompanies the challenges and demands we face in life. What we don’t realize is that this approach, while effective in dulling the negative aspects of life, also removes our capacity to receive and experience the positive aspects of life. We cannot selectively experience life.

Take our relationship with words as one example of this reality. Words are incredibly powerful. Words can build up and be life-giving, or they can tear down and diminish. Due to the power wielded by words, most of us have shielded ourselves to lessen the blow of harsh words and difficult feedback. Unfortunately, as mentioned above, we do not have the ability to pick and choose what we experience. If we cut off the negative impact of words, we also cut off the positive impact. As a result, compliments and affection usually bounce off our shields just like criticism and verbal attacks. We find ways to protect without realizing that we have unknowingly also cut ourselves off from the life-giving power of words.

Our relationship with words is just one way to gauge our ability to deeply and fully experience life. Process group gives the space to practice learning how to open up to experiencing life again. To experiencing connection again. To experiencing healing words that can begin to combat the lies attacking us constantly. Additionally, process group provides an opportunity to learn how to diffuse rather than deny the power negative words or experiences on your life.

Expanded capacity

As a result of this shallow experience of life, most of us are running on fumes. We rush from here to there at a frantic pace trying to keep up with all the expectations, obligations, and demands of life. In addition, we are often haunted by this notion that we are not living up to our potential and constantly disappointing ourselves and others. With renewed will power, we thrust ourselves into doing better and trying harder approach. Eventually, we realize the energy we mustered fizzles out and cannot be sustained long term.

This merry-go-round of renewing our motivation only to have it give out on us can be a deeply discouraging experience. We must try a different approach and will power alone cannot be a long-term solution. Process group can step in and provide an alternative solution to the do better and try harder approach that leaves so many of us frustrated. The culture created within process groups provides an opportunity to pursue filling up our relational gas tank. It can also unlock our remaining potential to operate on all cylinders.

Increased execution

The benefits of process group are numerous, but the last category we will address is in the area of execution. Difficulties in execution can rise up due to a variety of underlying causes. We can find ourselves overwhelmed and overcommitted resulting in an inability to maintain our integrity and keep our word due to our limitations as a human being. In addition, we can be bogged down by analysis paralysis scared to pull the trigger in any direction. We can hold our passions and dreams at bay due to the risk and uncertainty that surfaces when taking a step of faith towards a deep desire. The list of how this category can impede our ability to be the person we want to be is endless. These things can keep us from creating a life we enjoy.

Process group can step in and provide the right concoction of grace and truth in these areas of poor execution. It provides a safe context to receive encouragement and acceptance during moments of risk. Individuals can receive feedback and advice during moments of uncertainty, or simply gain accountability to take the next hard step.

Will you join us?

We would love to discuss whether a process group is a good fit for you. Schedule your free 15-minute fit consultation soon, limited space available.

Written by: Becca Cline, LPC

Roswell Location, ext. 156

Becca has received extensive training with Dr. John TownsendNew York Times best selling author of Boundaries and has completed training in his Competence + Character growth model. She is currently completing the Townsend Leadership Program, which focuses on achieving strategic goals to pursue improved performance personally and professionally.

Becca works with male and female clients who are 13 years or older. She sees couples, families, and individuals. She has worked with clients dealing with a variety of issues including depression, anxiety, addiction, grief/loss, trauma, abuse, spiritual issues, sexuality, family of origin issues, codependency, anger, and interpersonal and relationship issues. In addition, Becca also has experience in running process groups.

MAILING ADDRESS FOR ALL LOCATIONS is 102 Macy Drive, Roswell, GA 30076