The Biblical View of Masturbation

 Encouragement to Live Free


In my work, I often get asked the question, “Is masturbation wrong or sinful?” I may be asked this due to genuine confusion. The confusion usually comes from a lack of understanding of the full context of the Word. This is further complicated by a culture that promotes self-sexual exploration and a Christian community that takes a split view or does not speak of it at all.

I never want to shame my clients or anyone who struggles with this issue. It is very personal and painful to the person. I attempt to assess their view of masturbation and understand where they obtained this view. I ask them to consider how their training (or lack thereof) on these issues has formed their beliefs.

Education About Masturbation

We then move into a place of education and understanding. The Scripture does not explicitly say, “Thou shalt not masturbate.” However, it does speak of sexually immoral acts and about what is healthy. We know that most sexually immoral acts come from selfish, sinful desires and pain. We know that most of these acts are done secretly and have shame attached. Shame is an experience that makes you hide from God, others, and yourself. We want to stay away from attempting to hide because God has set us up to be free, yet we are to battle against the flesh.

What does Scripture say?

As we move into education regarding the issue of masturbation, we start with the Word. We take a look at the passages about sexual immorality and the flesh. A few passages to consider are Gal. 5:1, Thess. 4:3-5, 1 Cor. 10:13, and 1 Peter 2:11. We see from these, generally, that we will be tempted in this area. We will have to fight against the temptation, and we will have to rest in God for victory. Also, we see that this will likely happen daily in our life.

The Purpose of Sex

Next, we move into understanding the purpose of sex from the Word. This will give us a clear picture of masturbation.

  • Sex is a gift from God to the covenant of marriage. (Heb 13:4, 1 Cor 7:9, Matt 19:5)
  • Sex is to be about the other person, not self-focused. (1 Cor 7:4-5)
  • Sex is for procreation and pleasure for the other. (Gen 1:28, Song of Solomon 1:2,13, 2:3, 4:5)
  • Sex has no shame in marriage. It is God-ordained, commanded, and to be enjoyed. (1 Cor. 7:1-3)

If we take this basic view of biblical and healthy sexuality, we can see how the masturbation experience runs contradictory. Let’s look in greater detail.

Is masturbation wrong?

Consider this: masturbation is self-focused; it pleases me and no other. It is an individual process; it is not thinking about the marriage. In fact, it is stealing from the marriage, or if single, it is practicing sexually out of the commanded context. Because it is often done in secret, it produces shame. In addition, there is no chance of procreation.

Education about what Scripture says about our sexuality will start to reframe a person’s view from one that is distorted to one that is healthy. We hope that a new belief and understanding of God’s Word will bring conviction and change conduct. It is not easy living the Christian life in a fallen world. It is a fight, and we must take it up to honor God. I know this is hard to consider, but please consider pleasing God above self.

Need vs. Desire

We need to address one other key point. Many say, “I need a physical release.” This assumes the sexual experience is a NEED, but if we look at Scripture, we see it is a DESIRE. Desire is good and needs to be stewarded towards honoring God. When we give into our desires sinfully, we feed them. 1 Cor 6:18 shows us how we get addicted to ourselves and think our urges are a NEED.

I hope this information will help you consider your ways. The sexual struggle is very powerful, but it can be brought under control, and there can be victory. This is not to say that you will not be tempted, but you do not have to give in. He will provide a way of escape (1 Cor 10:13).

Finally, others can help as you share these burdens and confess your sins to one another (Gal. 6:2, James 5:16). By bringing your life into the light and out of shame, you may gain the support and insight you need to overcome the temptation.

So, is masturbation wrong or sinful? 

by Troy Snyder MS, NCC, LPC, CCSAS, CPCS
Roswell and Woodstock Locations, ext. 113

Troy specializes in three distinct areas: sexual addiction, anger, and adolescent issues. He works with adult males, adolescent males, and couples in these specialties. He takes a holistic approach to help his clients by working closely with the parents, spouse, family members, and friends to help his clients create a better foundation for success.

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