My name is Patrick Caffrey. I am licensed by the state of Georgia as a professional counselor (LPC) with over 35 years of experience in the treatment of individuals and their families who struggle with dependence upon drugs and alcohol. I know about the struggle. As the saying goes — been there; done that. I hold graduate degrees from two universities; have published three books on the subject of addiction; I taught college for a while, and most people call me Pat.
I prefer it that way because it tells me I am talking with friends. If you are like me, you are comfortable with friends. If you find yourself feeling vaguely uncomfortable when the conversation turns to alcoholism or drug abuse, or if you don’t think it’s funny when someone is making fun of drunks and the crowd is laughing; perhaps it’s because you or someone you care a lot about has unanswered questions about drinking or what seems like over-dependence on the pain medication the doctor prescribed awhile back.
Unanswered questions about things that concern and worry us seem to bring up lonely feelings especially when there’s no one to talk to. Wouldn’t it be nice to share those concerns and ask those questions of someone who really gets us — someone who won’t shame us or tell us to just stop it, and when that doesn’t work, to try harder?
I’d like to be that person. I have truly good news to share. People with substance abuse disorders are good people who become great friends as they walk the road to recovery. I’d welcome the opportunity to meet with you, so please contact me or our admin team.
I have written three books dealing with alcoholism and addiction. These books may be purchased at our offices and through
Pat’s Schedule
To schedule an appointment with Pat, please email him call his number below, or submit a form to request additional information. Please note that he is available for online sessions only. His rate is $160 for the first session and $150 for each additional session. 678-534-3824, ext. 114
Pat’s Posts

You Come Too
I watched the child’s father finish his breakfast. In what seemed a single fluid movement he placed the knife and …

Take Up the Cross
In a recent episode of The Chosen, a television series created, co-written, and directed by Dallas Jenkins, I watched the …

The Placebo Effect
Which is easier to believe? Someone’s cancer went into remission after he was given a sugar pill, or a man …

Your Brain Has a Mind of Its Own
Discussions of God’s existence frequently arrive at the observation that it’s not likely that something so ordered and so complicated …

This World Is a Scary Place
Copyrighted material excerpted from GREATER POWER by Patrick Caffrey, LPC Feelings — or rather emotions, which is a better word, because …

Addiction and The First Commanment
Sometimes talking about addiction with a fellow believer, I get the impression he or she would rather be someplace else – someplace …

Can Addicts Be Helped By Angry Helpers?
Information enters the brain through our five senses and is processed to determine an appropriate response. If the process concludes …

Is AA Not for Christians?
Many years ago, when I was beginning that long, uphill journey toward sobriety, despite the fact that I was not …

The Next Right Thing
The other day in a session with an alcoholic client, we got to talking about the will of God, and …

Alcoholics Anonymous – The Twelve Steps
The Beginning of the Journey Many years ago I was beginning that long, uphill journey toward sobriety. In spite of …

How Do Addicts Think?
When I was asked to write a piece about the way addicts think, my first thought was they don’t. Persons …

Why Some People Just Can’t Drink
Why can’t I have an occasional drink? People who have been diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder often ask this …

Dealing with Alcoholic Parents
It is not uncommon in a family session for the exchange between clients and an addictions counselor talking to clients …

The Story Behind Cry, Abba
by Patrick Caffrey, addictions counselor at Restoration Counseling of Atlanta Hello. My name is Pat, and I’m an alcoholic. A …

Codependency, It’s Not What They Say It Is. (Part 2)
Continuing with our look at codependency and its importance for a better understanding of addiction, Restoration Counseling of Atlanta presents …

Codependency, It’s Not What They Say It Is (Part 1)
Ask five people in Atlanta what codependency is as it relates to addiction, and chances are you’ll have five definitions, …