COVID-19 – Your Therapy Can Continue Safely

In light of community concerns regarding the coronavirus, we want you to know that we’ve made plans and offer online counseling so that you can continue counseling if any of the following occur:

  • You become sick.
  • You must stay home to care for your loved one.
  • Your therapist becomes sick.

For quite some time we’ve offered virtual and phone therapy and at this time, we are making online counseling available to anyone who feels uncomfortable coming into the office for services or if you encounter one of the above circumstances.

Coronavirus Safety with Online Counseling

Concerns over the coronavirus may have created more anxiety for those who already struggled with this issue. We care about those concerns and are happy to make plans with you for different circumstances. Phone sessions, Zoom video sessions, Skype, or FaceTime sessions are all formats that will enable you to safely continue your therapy.

If you need services through a video format, please reach out to your therapist at least several hours before your appointment time so they have time to coordinate with you. There will be a small technology fee of $5.00 on top of your normal therapy rate for this format. You are welcome to continue to use this therapy option for as long as your situation needs it.  If your therapist is unable to come in, there will be no charges for this video format.

How We Are Sanitizing Our Offices

As therapists, we always prefer an in-person format as we connect better that way. Disinfectant is in place at each office so that you may sanitize anything before and after you touch it.  We are also implementing daily disinfecting processes to minimize the spread of contagious germs.  Our community’s health is a clear concern for us, as is your mental health.

Helpful Resources for Your Family

This is a great video including points to help you talk to your kids about the COVID-19:

Remember to get your information about the coronavirus directly from reliable sources like the CDC, your county government, or your doctor’s office.  Constantly surveying the news for more information can lead to increased panic and anxiety.  Choose a few reliable sources and check them at a reasonable frequency.  Work with your family to emphasize good hygiene, particularly as it relates to virus containment.

We are here to support you as you deal with these crises. We recognize that for some this can be an extremely distressing and uncertain time. Please feel free to reach out to us, make an appointment for online counseling and we’ll do our best to support you.

MAILING ADDRESS FOR ALL LOCATIONS is 102 Macy Drive, Roswell, GA 30076